среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

adriano goals clips

Saturday Night, Kishwaukee Hospital~~

Oliver shifted on his feet and grasped the stethoscope that hung around his neck.� "Um, no?"

"That a first for you?" She asked dryly, referring to his propensity to poke fun at the wrong times.

He put her file down on the counter near him and swiveled a nearby stool next to the bed, planting himself in it, getting ready to explain to a patient, yes sheapos;s just a patient, everything he was going to do.� He went in doctor-mode, becoming serious "Well first Iapos;m going to take your blood pressure and then Iapos;d like to take your temperature, and how about we see how we feel after that?"

This being... Far less invasive than sheapos;d expected, she swallowed, not quite trusting him. "That would... Be alright," She said carefully, not wanting to agree to anything she didnapos;t fully understand.

Watching him pick up the large velcro strip that the ER doctor had put around her arm, she relaxed slightly, then winced. As her posture relaxed, parts of her took on weight which had not been carrying any before. Those parts, since it had been so long since sheapos;d been given any drugs, she wondered what time it was, hurt.�

And it was embarrassing. She had yelled stuff at him and... And fallen over and then drove off in a apos;never want to see you againapos; sort of way and now she was lying here in a paper gown and he was going to velcro her arms and who knew what else and she was sure she looked really ugly and she was absolutely certain that she couldnapos;t stand for him to touch much more than her arm which was confusing because he was so cute and she had liked him so much and now... She shuddered a little and looked away from him, her gaze falling on Miles.

"Thatapos;s my roommate," She muttered, hoping to make the type of awkward small talk that could, if handled properly, distract both of them from each otherapos;s real existence in the physical world next to each other. After all, she was pretty sure he loathed touching her now as much as she hated the idea of being touched.

~Deavyapos;s room, Saturday Night~

She gave him a wry�smile, "Weapos;ve been over that..." she said almost sadly, "They wouldnapos;t do any good against the empire. The... If there was a murder, hypothetically speaking, it happened a long, long ways away from here. Thereapos;s no body, and since her Highness broke the bottle, no evidence."�

Jules sighed. "I... Guess...Man, thatapos;s so lame." He gestured uselessly with his hands. "I mean, seriously. What do you think youapos;re gonna do?"

"Yeah, I�kind of figured,"�.she replied, leaning against him, "I guess... Nothing really changes for me."�She took a deep breath, "Even if... If what theyapos;re saying, hypothetically,"�she repeated,"�and Iapos;m not saying that I think thereapos;s anything wrong in the empire, then... Nothing changes. When the empire gave me to Miles, they put me totally at his disposal. So, I still follow his orders, no matter what course he decides to take."

Jules stiffened just slightly before his arm rubbed at her shoulder. "See, I donapos;t get that. Youapos;re not a thing, Deavy. Youapos;re a person and... And no matter what they said to you...where-ever you come from-" Frankly, Jules was beginning to suspect that it wasnapos;t really in America. "-youapos;re herenow, you know? And that means you get what everyone gets. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and-" He arm squeezed her again. "-and the right to just say apos;noapos; or something."

"Youapos;re warm." She commented, a bit non-sequitur.

Grinning, his hand squeezed her shoulder slightly. "Youapos;re freezing." His other arm, taking this as permission, came up to wrap around her front, this hand joining the first on her shoulder while his torso twisted so she was leaning more against his chest than anything. It was... Still a weird position, Deavy perpendicular to him, and her shoulder dug into his sternum but... But it was good, nice.

~Saturday Afternoonish/Duskish/Whatever you like~

He nuzzled his face more in her hair, like a cat or some kind of animal. His nose found her cheek, and he brushed his lips across it, them moved so that he could feel her skin on his face. Somehow, his nose managed to bump hers, and he could feel her breath mixing with his own, feeling extraordinarily warm against the cool October night. His arms still wrapped around her waist, he put his lips against hers.

Collette almost gasped when he pressed his face into hers, and her eyes opened wider when they made contact.� Then seeing that Benapos;s eyes were closed, she quickly shut her own.� She felt pricky bumps along her arms despite his sweatshirt covering them.� There was an instance where she felt an inexplicable feeling that her hands were not where they should be as they hovered slightly in the air where she last left them.� Not knowing what to do, they came to rest on the outside of his shoulders.� He had broad shoulders, she noticed.� And he was warm.� And she liked it.� When he pulled back, Collette grinned until she thought her face would break.�
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