воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

buffalo chip campground sturgis rally

Wat is het weer een heerlijk weekend

Vrijdag uit het werk Ro opgehaald en door naar Marius en Astrid. Astrid had zelf roti gemaakt en die smaakte heerlijk We hebben heel gezellig bij zitten kletsen over van alles en nog wat. Ook oude foto's zitten bekijken, altijd heel erg leuk natuurlijk.
Zaterdag was ik moe. Zo moe dat ik tot half 5 's middags heb geslapen Toen ik eindelijk uit bed was ben ik snel met Ro boodschappen gaan doen. Dat moet tenslotte ook gebeuren. Toen we thuis kwamen heb ik lekker gekookt en daarna heerlijk met een boek (Lord of the Rings, voor de derde keer) op de bank gehangen.
Vanochtend voor het eerst sinds twee weken weer gaan sporten. S., een meisje bij mij uit de pump-les, had via hyves al laten weten ook al een aantal weken niet geweest te zijn. Dus we hadden afgesproken vandaag allebei braaf weer te gaan. Het was een nieuwe pump en hij viel een beetje tegen. Jammer, want nu moeten we het hier weer drie maanden mee doen. We hebben voor aanstaande woensdag weer afgesproken. Het scheelt wel als je dat doet, dan heb je tenminste een stok achter de deur
Vanavond komen M. En S. Eten. Daar heb ik ook zin in Altijd gezellig met hun. Het menu:

vooraf: stokbrood met kruidenboter
main course: aardappel anders saus knoflook/tuinkruiden, gehakt, aardappeltjes, tomaten, verse spinazie en champignons. Daarbij veldsla met pijnboompitten, tomaten, komkommer en ei.
toetje: chocolade-mousse

Niet heel goed ivm de lijn, maar we moeten toch ook een beetje genieten.

X An

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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... Nameapos;s and locations have been altered to protect the innocent.

Imagining another move in almost a year, I was ready to be self-determined and pursue a position that would blend my research skills, conservation interests and fascination with marine environments. I posted a letter and resume to the water quality and water-borne pathogen laboratory at my new graduate school. The professor was teaching an environment, climate change and public health course and happened to spear-head several research projects including the "bivalve mollusc project," loosely related to pathogen transmission from marine organism consumption. I enrolled in the course and interviewed for the position in her lab. It was thrilling to land an interview and then be offered the position within two weeks of moving to Atlanta. Everything was exciting but familiar and had excellent prospects of training me to be a competent laboratory technician.

A going away party was held for a former graduate student leaving the laboratory for a riskier and more technical virology bio-safety level 3 position at the CDC. The lunch was humbling and bizarro at the same time. A remark from the other end of the table contrasted the reason for the occasion. An academic, unrelated to the person for whom the party was given, was going to the CDC. "Heapos;ll be back in a week The bureucracy is so bad over there" It seemed like such a strange comment to hear, though truly valid if youapos;re doing any sort of management in a federal level agency. To redirect the attention, one of my sweet friendly new colleagueapos;s asked "Whatapos;s the worst job youapos;ve ever had?" The juxtaposition of this independent remark struck me. I shared my story about performing sea-mammal necropsies and having to sort through the intestines/stool to collect the remaining parasites in the carcass. Then finished my soda and snacks.

Training proceeded normally, yet this position didnapos;t feel apos;rightapos; any more. I couldnapos;t put my finger on it. I was happy that it involved genetics skills and required agility in a laboratory setting. I fully realized that it involved extracting virus from human clinical trial samples, blood, saliva and feces. However, I was certain that the feces samples were processed into small microbiology sample preservative jars by the patients. Should have asked for clarification. We went to pick-up the samples at the research hospital. Whole turds in a double bagged plastic container. I will emphasize, it was VERY sanitary and professionally done through a leading research hospital. But I was facing my deepest scatological fears of having to weigh and cryogenically store human fecal samples.

Even though this was about 20 or less of the requirements of the position I half laughed/cried at my sisterapos;s kitchen table one evening, "Iapos;m a human poo librarian" To feel so naive and vulnerable only created cathartic embarassment after I had researched, pursued and trained for the position. I liked the people I worked with and even though the head researcher did not actually become involved with my environment and public health coursework, she is an expert in a field that I wanted to explore. I had to face the music that five years away from the laboratory had been harmonizing ever since. I needed to pursue my interests and not the safety of the skills I was comfortable with.

I left the group after our brief relationship on very amiable terms and am now working on the next steps of climate change vulnerability assessment for rural communities. Itapos;s through an international NGO that has operated in 122 countries over the course of 150 years. Currently, it is headquartered in downtown Atlanta. The position has a lot of freedom and a lot of unknownapos;s. I will be spending the next several months getting familiar with the culture of this agency and hope to collaborate with otherapos;s in the field of climate change vulnerability assessment. Therefore, I am now developing the career in environmental work that has relevance to human health issues that has also been a dream of mine from childhood. That is another story altogether.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

doing up cars

I quit smoking on Monday. It wasnapos;t really all that hard, since Iapos;ve been too busy with school to go out for a proper drink, which as you all know is when I do most of my smoking. I have, however, been using it as an excuse to eat more. Itapos;s been nice Iapos;ll finally put some meat on my old bones.

Speaking of old, Iapos;m 26 now. Yeeeeeeesh. Somewhere a nurse is fluffing up a pillow in an old-folks home, in preparation for my immanent arrival.

The election is only like three weeks away. At last Regardless of what happens, at least I wonapos;t feel obligated to wade through the news every day.
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cattle market auction

The STM is rapidly making its way to the top of my list of "people and organizations that I would pulverize were I granted limitless power and impunity."

Stop stalling. Stop being such a bunch of monumental dicks. Get your crap together and either install the new system, or go back to the old system, but for the love of God, pick a system, and stick with it.

Fix the metro. Seriously. The price of tickets and passes increases frequently, and the service gets...worse? More erratic? No, not so much.
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checking michigan state tax refund

Been awhile.back here for a short post.

things been pretty calm now.but people always say that before the start of a storm,everything is always calm.I pray that for my case,things will be smooth and calm.

quit my job and my position as a manager and Iapos;m back to square one.
cashier.haha.sounds weird isnapos;t it?but I guessed I still can work up my stress.

LZC and me still pretty okay. (:
I hope itapos;ll still goes on as it is and not change.

lazy to post.
reaching my office soon.

post again.
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bit pilani

Heyy it is me katieme2 on line and this is my first entry Here are a few things you might want to know about me. I have great friends, i love to run, reading is what i am best at, i have 2 older brothers, a dog, and 2 parents. You can say i have a pretty hecktic life when it comes to running friends and just having fun. I like to be the one who stands out in the croud and wants everyone to here what i say. Only my #1 BFFS know who my crush is and he is soooooooooooooooooooo hot i think he is the cutest boy know to man. Just for your fyi i am in my first year of middle school and it is pretty good but i am in a little so called fight with a so called friend. But that is not what i am going to talk about when i do my entries so i am going to talk about my love life and my friends and usually that can take uo a whole lot of time. I am the type of person who could tell you every thing about my day in 3 maybe 4 hours and still not be done i love to talk but just not during class because i know i will get in trouble soo i gtg bye

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Well nothing really new to report except frustrations with the Camera Skills project for week 2...we are supposed to various shots with the dreaded gray card. I really should not put down the gray card so much, because it does help produce some really nice and average shots..but my biggest complaint (other than walking around with my arms and hands full of junk) is just trying to come up with suitable subject matter.

I know that sounds easier said than done, but it has to be outside with naturally light. That sucks..I do like nature shooting, but never properly have in a while, and finding interesting subject matter in nature is even more hard for me to do without taking someone elses ideas...

I just find myself highly unmotivated to even do this project, but I think I better, because Iapos;d like to keep up the grades.

hmm..other than that, in Photoshop today had a kind of difficult project to compose an image with at least 10 other images from a pre-determined bank of 30 images. I say this was difficult, because barely any of the images we could choose from were interesting. So I started to cut from the same image twice..I should have asked if that was okay or not, but it seemed to, so I just went with it. If I lose points, so be it. Made a really bizarre image of skulls, a weird "alien" eyeball?, a skeleton hand, and muffins with some silver beads in it with text that reads "everyone loves grandmaapos;s silver seed space cookies"...it looks alright...kinda similar to some of the work I would do at home with Photo Impression, but a lot more advanced? plus it has a lot of better tools to help hide the nasty edges around an object :)
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